疾病模型 | 造模方法 | 参考文献 |
阿尔茨海默病模型 | 20μmol/L的Aβ25-35加入海马原代细胞孵育24h | 1 |
帕金森病模型 | 10μmol/L的MPP+加入中脑细胞孵育48h | 2 |
兴奋性谷氨酸损伤模型 | 100μmol/L的谷氨酸盐作用于皮质原代细胞5min | 3 |
1. MP Mattson, Y Goodman, H Luo, et al. Activation of NF-kappa B protects hippocampal neurons against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis: evidence for induction of manganese superoxide dismutase and suppression of peroxynitrite production and protein tyrosine nitration. J Neurosci Res, 1997, 49(6): 681-697.
2.Cai X, Jia H, Liu Z, et al. Polyhydroxylated fullerene derivative C(60)(OH)(24) prevents mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative damage in an MPP(+) -induced cellular model of Parkinson's disease[J]. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2008, 86(16): 3622-3634.
3.Budd S L, Nicholls D G. Mitochondria, calcium regulation, and acute glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cerebellar granule cells[J]. Journal of Neurochemistry, 1996, 67(6): 2282-2291.
3.腺相关病毒(AAV):与慢病毒相比,AAV体积小,滴度高,扩散性好,且具有更强的嗜神经特性。运用AAV载体的另一个显著优点是有些AAV血清型,如PHP.eB,可穿过血脑屏障、胎盘屏障,可通过尾静脉注射使用。此外AAV1、AAV Retro等血清型还可用于神经环路标记。
病毒表达系统 | 慢病毒 | 腺病毒 | 腺相关病毒 |
外源基因表达时间 | 2-4天开始表达,长时间稳定表达 | 1-2天开始表达,持续7-14天 |
7-14开始表达 细胞分裂不旺盛部位可长时间表达 |
插入片段大小 | <4kb | <5-8kb | <2.8kb (包括必须的启动子以及荧光或者标签元件) |
稳定细胞株筛选 |
可以,外源基因整合于 宿主基因组,筛选简单 |
不可以,瞬时表达外 源基因传代后效果减弱 |
不可以 |
细胞实验 | 首选,广谱,感染效率高 |
广谱,感染效率高, 适合原代非增殖细胞感染 |
不适合细胞实验 |
动物实验 | 适合,根据观察时间和注射部位选择 |
较适合(免疫原性高),根 据观察时间和注射部位选择 |
首选,根据观察时间和注射部位选择 |
滴度 | 最高可达109TU/ml | 高达1012pfu/ml | 高达1012-13v.g/ml |
1. 在体实验建议选择腺相关病毒,它具有滴度高,扩散效果好,免疫原性低等特点。且AAV 1/2/5/8/9/retro/ PHP.eB/ PHP.S等血清型对神经系统均具有较好的亲和性,如1型可作为顺行示踪跨单突触标记的血清型使用、9型可作为顺行示踪非跨突触标记的血清型使用、Retro可作为逆向示踪非跨突触标记的血清型使用。PHP.eB,适合中枢神经系统,可穿过血脑屏障、胎盘屏障,常通过尾静脉注射使用;PHP.S,适合周围神经系统,可穿过血脑屏障、胎盘屏障,常通过尾静脉注射使用。
1 | 2 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | DJ | PHP.eB | PHP.S | Retro |
心脏 | √ |
√ |
√ |
肝脏 |
√ |
√ | √ | √ |
肺 |
√ | √ |
√ |
胰腺 |
√ |
√ | √ |
骨骼肌 | √ | √ |
√ | √ | √ |
神经 | √ | √ | √ |
√ | √ |
√ | √ | √ |
眼部 |
√ | √ |
√ | √ | √ |
组织 | 启动子名称 | 启动子特性 |
神经 | hSyn | 神经元特异性启动子 |
mecp2 | 较短的神经元特异性启动子 | |
TUBA1A | 早期神经元特异性启动子 | |
c-fos | 兴奋神经元启动子 | |
CaMKlla | 前脑谷氨酸能神经元特异性启动子 | |
hAGAT | GABA能神经元/中间神经元特异性启动子 | |
Slc6a3 | 多巴胺神经元特异性表达启动子 | |
gfaABC1D | 星形胶质细胞特异性启动子 | |
lba1 | 小胶质细胞特异性启动子 | |
CNP | 少突胶质细胞或施万细胞特异性表达启动子 |
3. 5-10min后,麻醉剂起效;
a.注射病毒前,为确定核团定位是否正确,建议您使用神经顺行示踪的DiI染料于注射后1周,神经逆行示踪的荧光金(Flouro gold)染料于注射后2周切片,并对照图谱确认注射的核团位点无误,再进行病毒注射,可有效提高病毒标记的成功率;
注射 物种 |
注射 部位 |
AAV 类型 |
基因名称 | 血清型 |
注射 参数 |
检测 时间 |
文献名 |
大鼠 |
基底外侧 杏仁核BLA |
过表达 | DHHC12 | DHHC12 | 1ul/位点 | 4周 | Gephyrin Palmitoylation in Basolateral Amygdala Mediates the Anxiolytic Action of Benzodiazepine. Biological Psychiatry |
小鼠 | 腹侧海马 | 干扰和过表达 |
AAV2/8 |
双侧注射,注射速 率:0.2μl/min(1μl/side), 注射后停留4min。 |
4周 | Hippocampal Salt-Inducible Kinase 2 Plays a Role in Depression Via the CREB-Regulated Transcription Co-activator 1-Cyclic AMP Response Element Binding- Brain-Derived Neu-rotrophic Factor Pathway. Biological Psychiatry |
小鼠 | 双侧CA1 | 过表达 | caspase- 1 | AAV1 |
1μl/位点, 共2μl。注射速率: 0.2μl/min。 停留时间: 10min |
14天 | Gene deficiency and pharmacological inhibition of caspase- 1 confers resilience to chronic social defeat stress via regulatingthe stability of surface AMPARs. Molecular Psychiatry |
小鼠 | 海马 | 干扰 | LH3 |
双侧注射, 1μl/侧。注射速率: 0.2μl/min。 注射5min。 保留时间: 5min |
Hippocampal PPARα is a novel therapeutic target for depression and apeutic target for depression and mediates the antidepressant of fluoxetine in mice. British journal of actions pharmacology. |
小鼠 |
干扰 | PPARa | AAV9 |
滴度: 3 x 1012 viral particles/ml |
Overexpression of LH3 reduces the incidence of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage in mice. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
大鼠 |
右背侧和 腹侧海马 |
干扰和过表达 | LncRNA H19 | AAV9 |
3μl/位点,共6ul。 注射速率: 0.2μl/min |
14天 | Long non-coding RNA H19 contributes to apoptosis of hippocampal neurons byinhibiting let-7b in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Cell Death and Disease |
大鼠 |
周围缺血 皮质和同侧 纹状体后部 |
过表达 | NT-1 |
注射总量: 1 x 1010 genome copies。 注射速率: 0.2μl//min。 保留时间: 15min |
3,14天 | Netrin-1 Promotes Synaptic Formation and Axonal Regeneration@via JNK 1/c- Jun Pathway after the 8 Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience |
代表文献 吉凯客户文章Molecular Psychiatry,(2017)00,1-13
代表文献 吉凯客户文章Neuropharmacology, 128(2018) 207-220.
注射 物种 |
注射 部位 |
注射 体积 |
病毒 滴度 |
注射 总量 |
注射速度 及保留时间 |
检测时间 | 文献名 |
小鼠 | 皮质 |
3个位点, 0.7μl/位点 |
2E+9 TU/mL |
1.4x106T U/位点,注射 病毒总量4.2x106 TU |
注射速率0.2μl/min, 针头停留10min。 |
5天 | Treatment of cerebral ischemia by disrupting ischemia-induced interaction of nNOS with PSD-95[J]. Nature medicine, 2010 |
小鼠 | S1 barrel field | 0.5μl |
干扰滴度 1E+9 TU/mL |
5x105TU | 注射速率0.2μl/min |
Oxytocin mediates early experience-dependent cross -modal plasticity in the sensory cortices[J]. Nature neuroscience, 2014. |
大鼠 | 对侧前边缘皮质 |
Deactivation of excitatory
neurons in the prelimbic cortex via Cdk5 promotes pain sensation and
anxiety.[J] .Nat Commun, 2015 |
大鼠 | 下橄榄体 | 1μl | 1E+8 TU/mL-1E+9 TU/mL | 1x 105 TU-1x 106 TU |
注射速率0.2μl/min, 针头停留5min。 |
21天 | Oxytocin mediates early experience-dependent cross -modal plasticity in the sensory cortices[J]. Nature neuroscience, 2014. |
大鼠 | 右丘脑 | 4个位点,3μl/位点 | 4E+9 TU/ml | 1.2E+7TU/位点 |
2周 | Beclin 1 knockdown inhibits autophagic activation and prevents the secondary neurodegenerative damage in the ipsilateral thalamus following focal cerebral infarction[J.Autophagy |
大鼠 | 海马体CA1 | 5μl | 1.5E+9TU/mL | 7.5x106TU | 注射速率0.3μl/min | 14天 | Neuroprotection of hypoxic postconditioning against global cerebral ischemia through influencing posttranslational regulations of heat shock protein 27 in adult rats[J]. Brain Patholo-gy, 2017. |
大鼠 | 海马体 | 5μl | 2E+9 TU/mL | 1x107TU |
注射速率0.2μl/min, 针头保留5min |
7天 | Association of mitochondrial letm1 with epileptic seizures[J]. Cerebral Cortex, 2013 |
大鼠 | 背侧纹状体 | 双侧 |
1E+8 lentiviral particles |
5天 | Protein kinase D1-dependent phosphorylation of dopamine D1 receptor regulates cocaine-induced behavioral responses[J]. Neuropsychopharma-cology, 2014 |
小鼠 | 海马齿状回 | 双侧.2μl | 2E+7 TU/mL-5E+8 TU/mL |
4E+4Tu-1E+6Tu |
注射速率0.5μl/min, 针头保留5min |
14天 | CNTNAP4 Impacts Epilepsy Through GABAA Receptors Regulation: Evidence From Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients and Mouse Models.[U]. Cereb. Cortex, 2018 |
大鼠 | 小脑间位核 | 0.3μl |
干扰滴度8E+8TU/mL 过表达2E+8TU/mL |
注射3min, 针头保留5min |
7天 |
Modulation of immune function
by glutamatergic neurons in the cerebellar interposed nucleus via
hypothalamic and sympathetic pathways[J]. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2014 |
代表文献 吉凯客户文章Nature medicine,2010,16(12):1439-1443
注射 物种 |
注射 部位 |
注射 体积 |
病毒 滴度 |
注射速度 及保留时间 |
注射 仪器 |
检测时间 | 文献名 |
小鼠 | 右脑室 | 3μl | 1.3E+10pfu/ml | 注射速度0.2μl/min |
5μl 微量注射器 |
The long non-coding RNA Neat1 is an important mediator of the therapeutic effect of bexarotene on traumatic brain injury in mice[J]. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2017. |
大鼠 | 左侧脑室 |
1.3E+10pfu/ml |
25号针头 |
PPAR β/δ, a Novel Regulator for Vascular Smooth Muscle CellsPhenotypic Modulation and Vascular Remodeling after Subarachnoid Hemorrthage in Rats[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017. |
大鼠 | 背侧海马体 | 10μl |
Notch1 Signaling Activation Contributes to Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis Following Traumatic Brain Injury[J]. Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research, 2017. |
大鼠 | 脑室 | 10μl |
过表达腺病毒6x1010pfu/mL, 对照2x1010pfu/mL 使用时用EN.S. 稀释为1.3x 1010pfu/mL |
注射后保留10min | 25号针头 | 7天 | Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor β/δ Alleviates Early Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats. Stroke |
大鼠 | 脑室 | 10μl |
过表达腺病毒6x 1010pfu/mL, 对照2x1010pfu/mL 使用时用EN.S. 稀释为1.3x1010pfu/mL |
注射速度0.5μl/min, 注射后保留10min |
26号针头 |
Endogenous hydrogen sulphide attenuates NL RP3 inflammasome-mediated neuroinflammation by suppressing the P2X7 receptor after intracerebral haemorrhage in rats[J. Journal of neuroinflammation, 2017. |
代表文献 吉凯客户文章Brain,Behavior,and lmmunity,2017
1.Zhou L, Li F, Xu H B,et al. Treatment of cerebral ischemia by disrupting ischemia-induced interaction of nNOS with PSD-95[J]. Nature medicine, 2010, 16(12): 1439-1443. (IF= 32.621).吉凯产品:慢病毒 研究领域:脑缺血 南京医科大学
2.Zheng J J, Li S J, Zhang X D, et al. Oxytocin mediates early experience-dependent cross-modal plasticity in the sensory cortices[J]. Nature Neuroscience, 2014, 17(3): 391-399. (IF= 28.771).吉凯产品:慢病毒 研究领域:神经 中科院神经科学研究所
3.Li M Y, Miao W Y, Wu Q Z, et al. A Critical Role of Presynaptic Cadherin/Catenin/p140Cap Complexes in Stabilizing Spines and Functional Synapses in the Neocortex[J]. Neuron, 2017, 94(6): 1155-1172. (IF= 18.688).吉凯产品:RNAi慢病毒 研究领域:神经 中国科学院神经科学研究所
4.Shen Z C, Wu P F, Wang F, et al. Gephyrin Palmitoylation in Basolateral Amygdala Mediates the Anxiolytic Action of Benzodiazepine[J]. Biological Psychiatry, 2019, 85(3): 202-213. (IF= 12.81).吉凯产品:过表达AAV 研究领域:焦虑症 华中科技大学同济医学院
5.Li M X, Zheng H L, Luo Y, et al. Gene deficiency and pharmacological inhibition of caspase-1 confers resilience to chronic social defeat stress via regulating the stability of surface AMPARs[J]. Molecular Psychiatry, 2018, 23(3): 556-568. (IF= 13.437).吉凯产品:过表达AAV血清型:AAV1 研究领域:抑郁症 华中科技大学同济医学院
6.Song L, Wang H, Wang Y J, et al. Hippocampal PPARα is a novel therapeutic target for depression and mediates the antidepressant actions of fluoxetine in mice[J]. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2018, 175(14): 2968-2987.(IF= 9.473).吉凯产品:干扰AAV 研究领域:抑郁症 南通大学药学院
7.Li H, Xu H, Wen H, et al. Overexpression of LH3 reduces the incidence of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage in mice[J].Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2019, 39(3): 547-561. (IF= 6.96).吉凯产品:干扰AAV 血清型:AAV9 研究领域:高血压性脑出血 中国医学科学院阜外医院
8.Zhang Y, Ji H, Wang J,et al. Melatonin-mediated inhibition of Cav3.2 T-type Ca2+ channels induces sensory neuronal hypoexcitability through the novel protein kinase C-eta isoform[J]. Journal of Pineal Research, 2018, 64(4): e12476. (IF=12.081).吉凯产品:干扰腺病毒 研究领域:神经 苏州大学